Tuesday, October 13, 2009

11 Steps to understanding how Universal Principles work

Is it possible to understand how Universal principles work, and use them to create the lives we desire? Absolutely! The 11 Principles of Being is a system I developed for helping others understand and integrate the Universal concepts that govern our earthly existence. Here’s a very brief overview of my 11 Principles of Being coaching course, giving the blueprint of how our lives are actually created:

Principle 1 – The Principle of Identity

Your State of Being creates your life or your external reality. Your State of Being is announced with an “I AM” statement. I AM … followed by (preferably) a noun. Saying, “I AM health” announces that you choose to express, out of everything you could be choosing, health. Saying, “I AM joy” announces your identification with all things resonating with the vibration of joy. It works like that for any subject, in any area of your life.

Principle 2 – The Principle of Alignment

The alignment that must happen in order to create your desired reality is the alignment of your Conscious, Subconscious and Super-Conscious minds. Once your three consciousnesses are aligned, your thoughts, words and actions automatically follow suit, and easy manifestation results.

Principle 3 – The Principle of Mind Blueprint

Your mind's images are the blueprint from which your world is built. So life is, literally, the images of the mind… expressed. Understanding how these thoughts formulate your life will free you up to consciously create the life you desire.

Principle 4 – The Principle of Karma, or Cause and Effect

Everything that you see in your life at this moment originated with (was caused by) a thought you had. Your thoughts are the cause, and the effect is the life you see around you. Thoughts are the creative energy from which your world is built. If you just set the right cause into motion, then the effect is exactly what you desire.

Principle 5 – The Principle of Certainty

Certainty or Faith is a necessary part of the creation process. You cannot become a State of Being without Certainty. For example, you cannot be wealthy if you are unsure of whether you're wealthy. Contradictory thoughts of what you want or who you are delays the process of creation. Put your attention on creating the State of Being you desire, using your I AMs and your visions, and do not deviate. Don’t look externally for markers of your success. Persist in your belief that all things are possible.

Principle 6 – The Principle of Conditions

The conditions of your life are caused by your own thoughts, not by external forces. With this understanding comes the ability to use conditions to show you where your thoughts have been, and then to change your thoughts so as to change your conditions.

Principle 7 – The Principle of Higher Self
Your Soul or Spirit or Higher Self is the originator of everything that you are. It is the bigger, wider, all-knowing, vast and eternal part of you. The rest of you besides the soul – your personality, body, mind and life experience – are just temporary tools put into place so that your Higher Self can learn and expand and grow. As you become more aware of that eternal part of you, you will understand more clearly how your Higher Self directs your life, and that the manifestations around you are simply what you are allowing to appear.

Principle 8 – The Principle of Time

Time does not exist. It is a concept invented by humans to categorize and explain their life circumstances. The only time that exists is now. Since all things exist simultaneously in the Field of All Possibilities, anything that you choose to focus on is possible. And since the only moment available to you is the moment of Now, it’s an important part of the creation process to fully engage with and appreciate each moment.
Principle 9 – The Principle of Overcoming Obstacles

Whatever you give your attention to will manifest. Resisting and fighting something that you don’t want to experience will only strengthen its presence in your life. Give it zero attention. Re-focus instead on your desired manifestations.

Principle 10 – The Principle of The One

You are one with God or Source Energy, existing in the field of all possibilities. The One is all there is, and we are all free to experience any part of the Oneness we choose, while we are in this Earthly life. When you approach life from the position of Oneness, you start seeing that you already are one with all the things you desire and that anything is possible. You are the Experiencer and the Experienced, simultaneously.

Principle 11 – The Principle of Happiness and Abundance

The natural state of the Universe and everything in it is abundance and joy. You are worthy of all the good things in this world, just by being here as a child of the Universe, an extension of Source Energy. You are from the Creator, and all of Creation is available to you. There is no such thing as scarcity; that is a human misperception. The Universe has more than enough for everybody in every way possible.

The 11 Principles of Being is a self-transformational tool allowing you to understand how Universal principles affect the creation of your life experience. For more information on the in-depth course covering all eleven principles (and much more), please visit www.themastersgathering.com