Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Have you been setting intentions and goals, but never seem to quite manifest them? There are several reasons for this, but one of the less-obvious roadblocks to effortless manifestation is going for something we’re not really passionate about in the first place.

Really, the first step to effortless manifestation is to ascertain your true desire. The next step is to align your thoughts and physical steps with your desire. When these are all fully aligned, manifestations come quickly and easily.

A lot of people set goals for what they think they should want, or what someone else wants for them. That’s not a true desire. In order for this manifestation thing to work, you’ve got to be going for what you want. It’s worth taking the time to examine your goals and get down to the nitty-gritty: Ask yourself, “Is this something I truly want, or something I think I should want?”

For example, a friend of mine was trying to make Vice President of his company, for the status and the big paycheck. But his real plan was to, after saving up enough money, quit his job and buy a couple of fishing boats in a small village in Mexico and live out his days fishing and taking tourists out on fishing trips. See the difference there? His plan for a promotion never quite manifested, despite a lot of time and effort trying to make it happen. If he had just used his considerable talents and brains towards setting up a small fishing business in Mexico (or even, as a start, in his own town), he would be well on his way to manifestation of his true desire.

Once there’s a true desire and dream in place, thoughts and actions can align powerfully to make it a reality. The way to do this alignment is to get in touch with the good-feeling emotions around it. Imagine how you would feel if you had already accomplished the manifestation of that desire. Feel the emotion of joy and gratitude you would have. Taste the tastes, smell the smells, see the sights, hear the sounds, feel the movement and rhythm. Make it real in your mind. Revisit it in your mind every now and then until it feels absolutely familiar to you, as if it’s a natural part of your daily existence. From that place of certainty, feeling as if your desire is already part of your life, its manifestation will be effortless.

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